Friday, December 31, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Thy Deeds Not Thy Words
On Election Day 11/04/2008, the New Black Panther Party stood before a Philadelphia polling station, wore military garb, carried nightsticks, blocked entrances and made "racial threats and racial insults". The incident was videotaped. The Justice Department filed suit against the Panthers and won. According to the Washington Times, 07/12/2010, however, President Obama made an abrupt reversal and dropped the case when he came into office.
During the 2008 primaries, Democrat Gigi Gaston, in the documentary movie “We Will Not Be Silenced”, revealed voter fraud committed by Obama supporters against rival Hillary Clinton. This story was collaborated when former Justice Department Official Christian Adams testified before Congress in July this year.
The Military Overseas Voter Empowerment Act of 2009, MOVE, mandates that states mail out overseas absentee ballots 45 days before an election. On 10/15/2010, however, ABC News, USA Today, and others reported that Democratic states suchlike Illinois, New York, New Mexico, and Nevada, missed the MOVE deadline. Similarly, in the 2006 midterm election, 70% of the military ballots were not counted. This obviously helped the Pelosi-Reid Democrats take control of Congress.
During the 2004 presidential election, Democrat John Kerry won Wisconsin by 11,380 votes. After allegations of fraud surfaced, a Milwaukee police special unit investigated. The February 2008 police report cited 5,000 more votes than the number of ballots available. The report concluded that “the one thing that could eliminate a large percentage of the fraud” would be to end same-day registration.
Despite this, Democrat Benson still advocated for same-day voter laws. Furthermore, in an interview with Central Michigan Life, 02/18/2010, Benson stated her opposition against the Rogers’ Law, which requires that registered voter and driver license information match.
Our representation in government is under siege by the Democrats. Only Ruth Johnson will protect the legitimacy of your vote.
Vote for Ruth Johnson, Michigan Secretary of State.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Straitsland Resorter newspaper Article 4-28-2010 on the upcoming Indian River Tea Party
on this Saturday, May 1
by L. Scott Swanson, Editor
Straitsland Resorter
Indian River Michigan
Under the banner "Tax & Spend Must End" there will be a Tea Party
rally this Saturday, May 1 in Indian River.
Tea Party rallies have drawn thousands of people throughout the
nation. According to a flyer promoting the Indian River Tea Party
rally the movement is founded on four basic principles:
Constitutional Law, Limited Government, Individual Freedoms and Free Markets.
The Indian River Tea Party rally will begin at 4 p.m. at the Bowen's
Corner parking lot at the corner of Straits Highway and East M-68. It
is being organized by Indian River people and the Petoskey Tea Party
Rich Carlson, Petoskey Tea Party President, said the Tea Party and
the Indian River rally are about "limited government, the role of
government, natural rights and Constitutional issues."
Carlson said the gathering is nonpartisan. While there is a school
election on Tuesday, May 4, Carlson said Saturday's event isn't about
any particular stance on that other than to encourage people to
become educated and involved in that election and any other election.
Saturday's rally will begin with a prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance
and singing of the National Anthem. Chad Stevens from the Northern
Michigan Liberty Alliance will speak about the Second Amendment.
Randy Bishop, candidate for the State Senate, will talk about the
Michigan Fair Tax. Congressional Candidate Tom Stillings will talk
about Constitutional issues related to the Second, Ninth and Tenth
Amendments. Greg Marshall of WMKT radio will serve as Master of
Ceremonies and will speak about free speech and the responsibilities
of voting and being an involved citizen.
Carlson said the Tea Party movement encourages people to become
informed and involved in the political process. He said it's a
movement that attracts some Democrats, some Republicans and this
"huge mass in the middle."
The Indian River rally is an area wide event and all interested
citizens are welcome to attend. There's no charge. People can just
show up. If they want to they can bring canned food, which will be
donated to an area food bank. They can also bring signs, family and
friends and a chair if they want to sit while listening to the speakers.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tom Stillings Press Release

March 26, 2010
For Immediate Release:
I am running to oppose the ideals and actions of Congressman Bart Stupak. I have a deep affection for the political process and feel that a peaceful democratic process is what makes America great. That is why I am saddened to learn of the threats against my opponent. Mr. Stupak merely voted the way he felt. Although most Americans and a great majority of my constituents disagree with Mr. Stupak, threatening his life and safety is not only inappropriate but flies in the face of the democratic process we hold dear.
I share the concern of my fellow citizens over the passage of this health care reform, however, I believe the way to fight it is by removing those from power who voted for it and replacing them with common sense people such as myself. Michigan and this economy can not bear the burden of this new law and as a representative in congress, it will be my mission to repeal this act.
My fellow Michiganders and Americans, let us not resort to barbarian tactics of threatening the safety of our elected officials, but let us threaten their jobs by signifying our disappointment by not voting them back into power.
Join me in keeping sacred our precious democracy by adhering to the principles of voting for the better candidate. Together, we can defeat the recklessness in Washington by changing it through our vote. To learn more, please go to my website, and check out my Facebook page.
Thank you,
Tom Stillings
Candidate for Congress
1st Congressional District, Michigan
Monday, March 22, 2010
Stillings for congress vs Bart Stupak
Become a fan and share with friends
My Name is Tom Stillings. I am a candidate for U.S. Congress from the First District of Michigan. Like most of my fellow citizens I have found it easy to sit back, and let others determine the policies of our nation. As long as America was being run like America there was no need to disturb my happy life.
Those days of complacency have passed. I see America being changed in very disturbing fashion. I see the overthrow of dearly held American values. I see disdain for that which is traditionally American.
Our leaders have lost sight of the values and principles that made America the greatest society on Earth. In their rush to false Utopia they would topple the very foundation upon which this nation stands.
From the foolish expenditure of money that we don’t have, that even our grandchildren will be unable to repay, to the travesty of abortion, to the denial and deceitful re-definition of our basic liberties including our fundamental rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of our own happiness, I have had enough. I am offering my candidacy in the hope that others who believe as I do will allow me the privilege of speaking for them.
I believe in the sanctity of human life, and that the rights of the unborn must be protected.
I believe in our form of government, which is a constitutionally limited republic. The federal government must confine itself to those functions delegated to it under the constitution.
I believe in our constitution as originally conceived and amended, including the 2nd, 9th, and 10th amendments which so many seem to have either forgotten or would ignore.
I believe that national defense is the most important responsibility of the federal government. It is the one area where spending is imperative. Without a strong defense all else is lost.
I believe that we must control spending so that we may eventually pay down our debt.
As to the more pressing issues of the day:
Our health care delivery system can best be improved by taking steps that reduce actual costs. A government takeover will result in less care at greater cost. We need a real solution based on American values and the preservation of what I believe to be the best health care in the world.
I am in favor of immigration. It is anything illegal, as in “illegal immigration” that I totally oppose.
TARP, Bailouts, and deficit spending are landmarks along the road to financial demise. We must learn to spend only what we have available, and then only when necessary. “All of the above” is never a valid choice in the selection of government spending priorities.
If you believe as I do, please honor me with your support in this endeavor. I faithfully promise that your voice will be heard, and that I will do all that is possible to put our nation back on its proper course.
Thank you.
Tom Stillings
Monday, January 25, 2010
TEA PARTY CONGRESS for Michigan's 1st Congressional District

TEA PARTY CONGRESS for the 1st Congressional DistrictSaturday, January 30, 2010 – Saint Ignace, Michigan
2:00 P.M. to Completion of Business, E.S.T.
Quality Inn – U.S. Highway 2
913 Boulevard Drive, Saint Ignace, MI 49781 tele 906-643-9700
Click Here : For Google Map and to watch streaming video and participate in interactive text chat
The purpose of the meeting is to network and coordinate efforts among all "Tea Party" and supportive groups in the 1st Congressional District.
This meeting is for ordinary citizens who have been active participants in our district campaigning to restore Constitutionally-limited government.
Event by Northern Michigan Liberty Alliance
Monday, January 4, 2010
America Rising in 2010
We elected you on a promise of hope and change. We regret it. In 2010, we are taking our country back.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Max Baucus Drunk
Disgusting....Foster Brooks should take lessons from Democrat Leader Senator Max Baucus.
Senator Max Baucus slurred and stammered in what appeared to be a drunken rant on the Senate floor in a C-Span video that went viral on Sunday night.
Max Baucus, one of the most vocal senators in the health care reform debate, was taped by C-SPAN cameras sounding like he just got back from a six martini lunch in a video dated December 22nd (Tuesday) on YouTube.
The Obama administration and its leaders have FAILURE written all over it.
How anyone could complain about prior administrations without complaining about this
horrendous failure is ludicrous.
A skeptical free press is everything to maintaining a free society and informed rebublic. Sadly today most of our news outlets are corrupt and won't cover Max's slurry speech.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
We need Touchdowns not more Fumbles

After NY-23, its obvious the Democrats and Republicans are working together to destroy our Constitution and our way of the "Big Government Party"....look at the mail the RNC is getting on the issue

Friday, November 6, 2009
What can you do to defeat the healthcare bill ?
Democrats are still short votes by double digits.
Four Democrats from Virginia are “No” votes because of Tuesday night’s election with the wins by the GOP Governors in VA and NJ.
The American Medical Association is in deep trouble. The AMA endorsed the House bill. The state societies claim that they have the votes to win a resolution at the AMA conference, which begins tomorrow in Houston, forcing the AMA to rescind its endorsement if it doesn’t do so before the AMA meets. Obama and his aides are quick to say the American Medical Association endorses their plan, but they fail to note that the AMA represents only a fraction of American doctors.
The fate of the Stupak amendment is still up in the air, which bars any federally subsidized insurance plan from covering abortions, including any public plan set up to compete with private insurers. Pelosi is arm twisting the 40 strong Stupak pro-life dem's, by pushing the phony Ellsworth amendment. This amendment is designed to subsidize and expand the abortion industry cloaked in deceptive language, with instead of a Health and Human Services employee issuing checks for elective abortions, HHS will pay a contractor to issue checks for abortion on demand. They want to call it something else, but no matter what they call it, a federal agency paying for abortions -- that's federal funding of abortion, no matter what you call it.
Blue Dogs had dinner at the White House last night. We’ll see how many flip to Obama’s side.
What can you do ?......The vote is scheduled for 6pm Saturday
Call your congressman right now....Bart Stupak DC office (202) 225 4735 or email here
Thursday, November 5, 2009
House call for Rep. Bart Stupak in Petoskey MI 11-5-09

30 taxpayers made a house call to the Petoskey Michigan office
of Rep. Bart Stupak at noon today. We shared with the Congressman's
staff our disagreement with Bart's support for the Pelosi Healthcare bill.
We don't want government controlled healthcare and we can't afford the
over 1 trillion dollar expense. With government bankrupting Social Security,
Medicare, Medicaid, and the Postal Service, our elected officials have
proven themselves as incompetent, and with "this game" on the
line, we surely have the right to expect touchdowns, not fumbles for our tax dollars.
Additionally, many called Bart out as a smooth doublespeaker and deceiver;
after he was recently caught at a local townhall meeting trying to have it both
ways on health care reform and abortion. This was publicized on
and FoxNews here.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Michigan State house at work on the budget

Nothing else need to be said. This is one of their THREE DAY WORK WEEKS that we all pay for. I am ready to start from the beginning by voting out all elected officials and not letting any of them stay in office for more than two terms. No more lifelong healthcare, retirement, voting in their own pay raises, taking perks on our taxes, etc.
House Minority Leader Lawrence F. Cafero Jr., R-Norwalk, pictured standing, far right, speaks while colleagues Rep. Barbara Lambert, D-Milford and Rep. Jack F. Hennessy, D-Bridgeport, play solitaire Monday night as the House convened to vote on a new budget. (AP)
The guy sitting in the row in front of these two... he's on Facebook, and the guy behind Hennessy is checking out the baseball scores.
These are the folks that can't get the budget out by Oct. 1, Seriously!!! So, we’ve got a 30 day budget extension. Well, guess what, 30 days from now we will be in the same boat. I guess this makes it easy for the news ‘reporters’ as all they have to do is recycle the same headlines from this week and from 2 years ago. And these yo-yo’s will still be playing SOLITAIRE!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Joe the Plumber returns to Petoskey Sept 6th
Labor Day Weekend
Sunday, Sept. 6th- Petoskey Pennsylvania Park Time
Music at 5 p.m., Speakers at 6 p.m.
Committed to appear:
Joe “The Plumber” Werzelbacher
Congressman Pete Hoekstra, Declared candidate for 2010 Governor Race
and endorser of national FairTax
Ken Braun of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Past State Rep Fulton Sheen, Headed up the MI FairTax Proposal
Trucker Randy of Traverse City
Greg Marshall, of WMKT the talk 1270am / 92.1 fm
E-Mail for more info :
Click here for a interactive map to the event.
Click here for a Petoskey Map, Pennsylvania Park area is marked "H"
Click here for parking areas.
Joe "The Plumber" Wurzelbacher symbolizes the average American worker for all citizens and Tea Party participants who come together to tell Lansing and Washington,
"No!" to higher taxes and "Yes!" to greater government restraint and transparency.
“The Constitution only gives people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself.”
Benjamin Franklin
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Reasons Why Government Can't Run Health Care
Government this year is spending $31,000 per household and taking in $17,000 in taxes per household. We are borrowing $13,500 per household this year.
"Are you crazy?, wasting our money, people are hurting, cut your spending".
No. 2: Government Can't Even Give Away Money Effectively.
Look at cash-for-clunkers and how the government wizards who set up cash-for-clunkers budgeted to sell 250,000 cars over 3 months. The program sold that many in 4 days, and air traffic controllers had to be brought in to help with administration.
Politicians' priorities are to give free goodies to their constituents. So as far as they're concerned, cash-for-clunkers has been a resounding success.
Forget the fact that they're spending money they don't have, or that car dealerships are left holding millions of dollars in empty government promises. Politicians are not concerned with the long-term, just the next election. This has worked as well as the 12% of stimulus spent thus far.
Government is cutting funding to programs that save money, like home health care after hospitalization; yet persists in ignoring fraud of $80 billion to $120 billion each year in the current Medicare and Medicaid programs.
If ever there was a reason not to turn our entire health care system over to government it is this: Government can't run the health care programs it already has. It would rather ration compassionate, effective programs than do the hard work of rooting out and punishing the crooks who are stealing our taxpayer dollars.
Monday, August 3, 2009
"Health Care Plan needs to be done fast"....WHY ???
Saturday, August 1, 2009
The National Health care Bill..."If it's so good, why doesn't Congress have to be on it?"
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Your children and grandchildren are really on the hook
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Familiar tune from Great Britain March 26, 2009
The English are lucky to have this guy...NONE of our politicians in the USA have the common sense, clarity or articulation to promote and sell sensible government to the people.
It was cutting. He was clear. It was biting. He was done. Not with a rant. But a reason.
A reason to abandon big government before it abandons us – it bankrupts us. A speech so clear, so focused, so telling…that there's no telling where this takes the young conservative member of Parliament.
A conservative who holds himself not hostage to party dogma, but critical thought. A conservative who supported Barack Obama on hope. But a conservative who now finds Barack Obama hopeless.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Nobody in this country realizes that cap and trade is a tax and it’s a great big one.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Taxes vs. Other Household Expenses
In 2008, Americans will work 74 days to afford their federal taxes and 39 more days to pay state and local taxes. Meanwhile, buying food requires 35 days of work, clothing 13 days, and housing 60 days. Other major categories are health and medical care (50 days), transportation (29 days), and recreation (21 days).
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
This isn't a conservative or liberal thing
'Bailing out' reckless businesses and individuals is neither the burden of responsible, hard-working American taxpayers nor the role of government. The Congressional Budget Office and countless economists say that the recent 'stimulus' packages will likely hinder, not help, our economy. Tax cuts, not tax hikes and handouts, are the quickest, most efficient means of getting our economy back on track.
Legislators must listen to citizens who are tired of irresponsible policies so the nation can recover. It is time politicians heed the will of the American people and the clear signals coming from the financial sector: stop the excessive spending, cut taxes, and get out of the way. Only then will we unleash the resilient, entrepreneurial spirit of Americans that has made our nation great and which will propel us through this rough patch to more prosperous times ahead.
This isn't a conservative or liberal thing. This is about government forking over billions of dollars, our money, to businesses that should have failed. This is about taking money from responsible people and handing it over to CEOs who squandered their own.